Wednesday, April 23, 2008

poppy punch

Quick update to share one of my fave SG floral designer! Poppy flora studio proves to excite and tickle you silly with their awesome creations. I almost peed in my pants looking at their creations... so pretty can?

this is what i mean by awesome-ness

and it seems they're throwing a party this weekend! anyone interested? can i shamelessly ask for an invitation??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

when boy meets girl

and it seems only right that a wedding blog starts with the story of boy meets girl

boy meets girl

we met in the month of May 2005. and get this, we were set up on a blind date! hurhur..i still laugh every time i think of it. We were both so against being set up but hey, our good frens will not have it any other way. Meet good frens below, on their engagement day

photo stolen from her

i still remembered that i went like whatttttttt? blind date? NEVER!!! just that 2 words alone, never fails to make you feel so undesirable and unwanted. Anyways, good frens managed to cajoled the both of us - (back story) me and her goes back since primary school days whereas the boys were army buddies. So with no expectations whatsoever, we (individually) agreed. Date was set. Like good fren mentioned, no harm trying! No one asking you to marry him what. (oooopps, never say never!)

Fast forward to said day, we met and instantly hit it off. Like seriously, god knows what got into me and i actually intro myself to him! And we were talking and cracking jokes like we were old frens ..that was pretty much hilarious. We went for dinner at Al-majlis and had a pretty good time. And the rest as they say is pretty much history...

We got engaged on the 5th of this month and are looking at getting married in 2010. somehow, it still feels so have found your soulmate at the most unlikely place and time. More on our engagement next...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

the ring

the most coveted item pre-engagement and most talked about post-e. i have found myself staring at unsuspecting fingers, ogling if i may say at all the rocks in the days leading to purchasing my engagement ring! hurhur...i guess there is just something about us ladies and those diamonds...

and yes, i was very much involved in the whole selection coz well, i can be very a-n-a-l about this sorta thing, so says the mister. So he would rather get me to choose something he knows i will wear for life (!) rather than complain at his ermmm..discerning taste. What can i say, he knows me well!

so about this blog - i'm starting fancyletters - the wedding blog to capture and share my journey through my wedding planning right here in SG! here's to a great journey ahead, cheers!