Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pet peeves and some griping...

Throughout our wedding preparations, we have encountered our fair share of vendors and service providers. And we have had a fair share of interesting, friendly ones and downright irritating,unreasonable ones.

But my absolute pet peeve is this. Unanswered emails and calls.

I mean if you really value your customer and want our business, act like it. I don't really care if you're doing this full time or part time, because i sure as hell am not paying you part time fees for your services. There are so so many vendors that either do not reply to my email at all or take forever to reply. I think if you cannot reply within 3-5 days, it makes sense to have an auto reply to state so. So we the customers would know what to expect. If you're going to be busy with some super mega wedding for next 2 weeks, it doesn't hurt to give a short one line explanatory email or sms for the delay. But don't just leave the emails compacting in your inbox, esp when you received an sms after, stating an email has been send to you for your reply.

I don't know if this is just a problem with the Malay community or otherwise. But most of the Malay vendors i come across have a don't care attitude that really pissed me off. I have cut off 2 vendors which i was initially going to engage because of the lack of initiative in communication on their part. I hate having to constantly call, email and sms for an initial quote without response from them, so out you go!

Later today we're finally going to meet a photographer after over 1 month of me trying to schedule a date to meet. And no, he doesn't remember that i have emailed him twice and called him a few times to set an appointment. But i'm trying to keep it in check since i really like the works i saw on his website. I hope a meeting face to face will have a much better outcome *cross fingers*

Maybe its because i have been in the service industry for the past 5 years, high end service where we deliver what we promise and take responsibility when we do not, that i have come to expect this of other service providers. But it has been a real challenge dealing with some of these people, i tell you.

I thank God that the vendors we have already decided on have been a great bunch, and i am pretty satisfied with the service and professionalism shown. Just praying hard that the others to come will show just a little more initiative and professionalism too.

Ok/ rant over :)

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